About me


Hello and welcome to my website! I am so thrilled that you’re here. I’ve been working with Maya since 2015 and graduated from Animation Mentor in 2017 with a certificate in 3D character animation.

I was a Gameplay Animator, QA, and Social Media Manager for Grumpyface Studios in Arizona. With Grumpyface I’ve had the pleasure of working on Steven Universe: UNLEASH THE LIGHT!

Currently I am a 3D/2D Animator and assistant concept artist for Blackfield Entertainment.


Steven universe: Unleash the Light

On Steven Universe: Unleash the Light I was brought on to help polish the already blocked in animations. Later I was entrusted with animating the characters - modeled and rigged by other team members - from the ground up (ie: Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Hessonite, the Jester, the End Light Boss) or adding new animations to already implemented characters (Pearl). I would create smears/extra FX with polygon planes as desired (as seen in the Amethyst image). I coordinated with the art director and other animators to ensure the animations were appealing and worked well in-game. I also communicated with the programmers to explain what was happening and the timing that was expected for the characters. If they saw issues with how an animation was playing out in-game we would discuss a plan of action to fix the issue.